
Showing posts from 2017

Reflections on John 1:35-39

Reflections on John 1:35-39 Read the text over a few times and reflect on the questions below………………… " The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!”The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.[a]   John the Baptist In John’s Gospel – the Baptist is a somewhat enigmatic figure. The contours of his life, his message and his ministry are perhaps given more definition by Matthew, Mark and Luke. But what is important, in John’s Gospel, is that He points the way to Christ. His task, his noble task, is to guide others to Christ. Reflect on our text - its J...
Today's Gospel - Luke 12:35-38 The belief that Jesus will return is central to the Christian faith but when He comes again what we will be doing? How will He find us? Wasting time on social media (oops)? Gossiping about our colleagues? Re-living the pain of the past? Or He will find us in prayer or serving others or living out His plan for our lives?

Two Mothers

Pope Francis is no stranger to provocative and alluring metaphors...........not least when it comes to reflecting on the theme of Vocation. Want to discern your vocation? Want to work out how to serve God in your life? In the words of Pope Francis, look at what you love! If you love your 'two mothers' - Our Lady and the Church - you could be being called to the priesthood or consecrated life. What are you called too? Look at what you love!!!!!!!
Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent 2017 Reflection Tourists just pass through. Pilgrims journey with God’s promise. People today tend to have a very static notion of faith. They think faith is a thing we own or possess or have like a house or a car or a pet. That’s certainly not the understanding of faith, we encounter in the Scriptures. Throughout the Bible faith is depicted and described as a journey, a pilgrimage and, dare I say, even an adventure. Faith is dynamic. If it’s healthy, sincere and profound it compels us to embark on a journey – a journey of self-discovery and a journey into the very mystery of God. That journey is always motivated, guided and directed by God’s promise. Before God asks anything of us He always makes a promise. Our destiny, our vocation and our calling to walk with God confident that His promises will become a reality. This morning’s Gospel is a case in point . The royal official goes and begs Jesus to come and save his son who was at the point of de...