
Showing posts from August, 2019

Back to School!

As a school year begins...a reflection on the vocation of teaching......... Gospel Jesus said to his disciples, “I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed! Reflection Jesus saw Himself as something of a firestarter…He saw Himself not in terms of offering calm and quiet but lighting fires in our hearts, of giving us passion, energy, and enthusiasm for God, for justice, for peace and for all the values of His Kingdom. He invites each and every one of us, especially teachers in Catholic schools, to get involved in that project, to light fires in the hearts of all those around us, to give them something of our passion, our energy, and our enthusiasm. As one noted academic puts it, teachers are called to be ‘arsonists of the heart’ – I love that phrase. But as teachers, as educators what specific fires are we asked to engender and kindle right here and rig...